in hot honey sauce

Oven baked crispy chicken 

Thick Brush Stroke

These crispy chicken tenders are crispy just like the deep-fried ones but way healthier. The chicken is juicy and tender. Click next to find out the recipe that is easy and mess free to make. 


Ingredients you baked chicken tenders in hot honey sauce


Pound chicken to uniform thickness and then cut into thin strips. Or use pre cut chicken tenderloins.


Mayo + Sriracha marination Mayo keeps the chicken moist and juicy. Sriracha seasons the chicken and adds flavour


Toasting breadcrumbs before coating is one of the tricks for crispiest chicken tanders


Flour and baking powder are other two ingredients for crispy chicken.  Mix breadcrumbs, flour, seasoning and baking soda 


Coat marinated chicken tenders with the breadcrumb mixture. 


Arrange coated tenders on a wired rack. Baking on wired wrack bakes all the sides evenly crispy. 


Mix honey, sriracha, chili flakes and slat. simmer for 5-6 minutes for the sauce to thicken


Toss crispy tenders in hot honey sauce or serve the sauce as dipping