Chocolate Protein Smoothie

Thick and creamy Cauliflower Chocolate Protein Smoothie is perfect for a post-workout meal or breakfast. This is high in protein (20gms) and very low in carbs(Net carbs 5 gm).

This creamy and thick Cauliflower Chocolate Protein smoothie is so so delicious. If you are worried about the cauliflower in there, then let me assure you can’t get a hint of it. There is no way one can guess that this smoothie has cauliflower in it. I can place a bet on that. So when I tried this smoothie for the first, I didn’t even dare to tell my husband that I am attempting something like this.  Becuase I knew what his reaction would be.

But when I tasted it, all I could taste was creamy chocolaty goodness.  I myself couldn’t believe that there is cauliflower in it. I am going to tell you how to prepare Cauliflower for the smoothie. Though it is optional, If you want to get rid of any cauliflower smell then I would recommend following the extra step.

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Before I explain the cauliflower preparation let me explain how and why this Cauliflower Chocolate Protein Smoothie is healthy. Along with low carb, this smoothie is high in protein.

Benefits of Protein

Protein is an important component and it is used by every part of the body to develop, grow and function properly. It is required for healthy hair, skin, nail, bone. The body uses protein to build and repair tissue. Especially post work out, a good protein shake helps in repairing muscles. Protein helps in muscle recovery.This smoothie has a good 20gms of protein, which is just what you need in a post-workout smoothie. Along with Protein, it has enough carbs to make you energetic and reduces the possibility of muscle damage.

There are a lot of resources on the internet that explains the benefit of protein. So if you are focusing on a healthy and balanced nutrition, I would strongly suggest going through them. Before you start experimenting anything with your diet, always first understand the basic.

How to Prep Cauliflower For Smoothie?

This step is absolutely optional. If you like to add raw cauliflower to the smoothie, you can go ahead. But if you want to get rid of the smell of it, then follow the below procedure. It is a quick easy step.

  • Cut cauliflower into medium sized florets.Clean.
  • In a big pot, boil enough water. Add a couple of tablespoon of milk.
  • Add Cauliflower florets. Reduce the heat and let it blanch for 5 minutes.
  • Drain water and add cauliflower florets to ice cold water, to stop further cooking.
  • Put the florets in small portions in ziplock bags.

I have used coconut milk cubes in the smoothie. I make coconut milk at home in bulk and freeze them. It works like wonder in smoothies. IF you want you can use coconut milk as it is.

Cauliflower Chocolate Protein Smoothie
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Chocolate Protein Smoothie

Course Breakfast
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Thick and creamy Cauliflower Chocolate Protein Smoothie is perfect for a post-workout meal or breakfast. Absolutely no hint of Cauliflower.
Servings 1 Servings


  • 100 grams frozen Cauliflower florets (Steps to make Prep Cauliflower above)
  • ½ cup thick coconut milk
  • 1 Scoop Pure Whey Protein powder
  • 1 tbsp Cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp Almond/peanut Butter (Optional, I did not use)
  • Sweetener as per taste


  • Add all the ingredients to the blender. Blend until smooth.
  • Serve immidetly.


You can increase or decrease the amount of coconut milk as per your preferred thickness.
I added Erythritol as the sweetener. You can add honey or any other sweetener of your choice.


Serving: 100g | Calories: 358kcal | Carbohydrates: 14g | Protein: 8g | Fat: 34g | Saturated Fat: 22g | Sodium: 46mg | Potassium: 749mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin C: 49.3mg | Calcium: 98mg | Iron: 5.5mg
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  1. 2 stars
    I wanted to love this. But, it was too thick with the limited amount of liquid, so I added 1/2 cup more coconut milk to make 1 cup. It was still extremely thick and very bland. I added one teaspoon of maple syrup, as I didn’t want to add a non-caloric sweetener. Even after the touch of sweet it was not great. I love the idea of cauliflower in place of banana. This was a great idea!

    1. 4 stars
      I like this combination and to make it more flavorful, try adding spices such as cinnamon or some extract like vanilla. Lastly, adding a dried fruit such as medjool date will bring up the sweetness. I use cold brew instead of milk and the cauliflower, for me is the ice to get it thick and the nutrition as well.

  2. Thanks for pointing out that the cauliflower can be cooked or raw. I’ve looked at so many blogs that just say frozen cauliflower and I don’t have that. It’s good to know I can prep my own and freeze.

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